Series: Stand Still and Smile, 2019. Collaboration with Fleur Kilpatrick.
There is a growing push in the realm of eco-law to grant legal personhood to landscapes and natural areas, in much the same way that we treat corporations as legal subjects. In considering what it means to crash together ecological awe and anthropomorphism, Fleur and I worked to create a series of photographs that eschewed the conventions of landscape photography, and instead used the tropes of portraiture to document residency areas in Cundare, Victoria and Springbrook, Queensland. Much like human subjects, the landscapes vary in their willingness to be photographed and their attitude to the camera.

Series: The First Time I Thought I Was Dying, 2021. A new series of self-portraits to accompany the book.

Series: Bogan Catullus, 2013. Collaboration with Cameron Woodhead, with original translations from the Latin.

Series: Clutch, 2012-13. One photograph + one quote, every day, for a year.

Ongoing light painting experiments, 2009—present.